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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Resolving CAPICOM reference for .net project

The following was taken from :

CAPICOM 2 Interop:
Much of the useful certificate store functionality of cryptoAPI has been encapsulated in CAPICOM. CAPICOM provides advanced capability, including support for pkcs7 signatures, envelopes, encryption, Authenticode signatures and advanced certificate store access. CAPICOM requires an end user component dll installation and registration, and deployment of a .net interop assembly. An interop assembly for CAPICOM can be easily built using:
tlbimp capicom.dll /namespace:CAPICOM /out:Interop.CAPICOM.dll
This is essentially the same command executed by when the COM reference is added. Note that the interop assembly has explicitly been given the namespace CAPICOM while the assembly is titledInterop.CAPICOM. The simple C# application below is compiled using:
csc /r:interop.capicom.dll FindCertnet.cs
To execute the application, the Interop.CAPICOM.dll assembly must be in the application directory, or if Strong Name signed, can be deployed to the GAC for shared access by other .net applications referencing CAPICOM. The application demonstrates basic certificate store access using CAPICOM. It also demonstrates different ways of using a Certificates enumeration, including the indexer. Casting to the ICertContext interface provides the context that can be used with X509Certificate(IntPtr handle) constructor, although with CAPICOM installed, all the functionality is available from the interop assembly. A few properties of an X509Certificate object are displayed:

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