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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Use SkyDrive to add live app updates

UPDATE: 5/6/2009
SKyDrive now changes URLs to files several times a day.
I altered my design by fetching the URL of the folder containing my update file and then parsing out the file URL from there. Bit more work but I can still host updates from a Skydrive folder.

Microsoft is offering large amt of disk space with an Windows Live acount (25 GB) where you can host files or any type for in private, shared or public folders.
Uploaded files get a GUID like URL. It you re-load the file it will get a new URL! This caused me abit of grief trying to implement an live update feature in my Digital Rockhound's companion application. To solve this problem, I decided to add meta content name value pairs for current version of the application and the URL path where the update is located on SkyDrive. My application simplies downloads a specific blog entry, reads the version and path from the meta conent and then determines if the user has the latest version. A bonus of this method, is with site tracking, I can tell how many users are updating the software and when. Nice to have these stats.

As of 12/06/2008 Microsoft has not published documentation for SkyDrive API. I hope they do so soon. (Lets see how SkyDrive API searches this blog entry generates...)

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